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Friday, April 5, 2013

Get A Job in Rustenburg - How?

Rustenburg Job
Rustenburg Job

Looking for a stable job in these tough economic times in Rustenburg is really challenging and hard to deal with. Although there are hundreds or even thousands of recruitment agencies in South Africa that are ready to help you but the fact that competency among newly graduates and professional workers are one of the major factors in finding your dream job. Visit this link and check some of the job listings that might fit in your skills and expertise.

There are also some possible instances that old job hunters in Rustenburg without prior experience or no educational attainment are also affected on this problem. So most of those job seekers that have no educational attainment tend to suffer from those consequences or sometimes tend to accept job that doesn’t fit on their skills. Here are some of the basic steps that might help:

Stay Updated. Being updated on the current technology can be a plus factor when you are applying for a job. If you do not know how to open a computer now browse or surf on the internet, there’s a big chance that you won’t get hired on your prospect company. It is important that you have basic skills in computer, internet navigation, Smartphone and email etiquette. If you think you are getting left behind from the advancement of technology, it is smarter for you to take some few classes that are usually offered on summer classes at community colleges in Rustenburg. 

Edit Your CV/Resume. Take time to review and edit your resume. If there are some skills or expertise you can show off, and then list them. Don’t make 3 or more pages of resume. Make it short, simple but straight to the point. Highlight your skills and expertise. 

Do Some Research.  Companies are usually seeking mature employees. Have time to research your preferred company. Take some time to research their profile history, background, and the people behind the company. Understand and take time to review your desired position. 

Be Prepared to be Flexible. In any job you applied, there are possible chances that some work or responsibilities are new to you. So be prepared to learn new things and accept the willingness to grow and mature in every possible ways. Don’t get too arrogant thinking that you are a bachelor or taken up any doctorate degree. 

These are some tips that can possibly help you find a job in Rustenburg even if there are competencies among those people mentioned above.  You don’t have to change your appearance just to look you more beautiful or fresher. Remember, it’s not the physical appearance that most companies are looking for you, it’s the experienced and the qualities you have within yourself.

Picture courtesy from

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Rustenburg-biz is Just A Button Away

Advertising your business plays an important role in expanding and making your brand more visible and reachable in the city of Rustenburg or beyond. If you are not doing such kind of advertising, then you are probably getting behind from the new era of internet advertising. Even if you own a small business in Rustenburg, putting your services on brand on the internet will let your business recognize by people locally or internationally. There might be a tendency that you can export your brand or be recognized to other parts of the world just by exposing your brand via internet.

But making an advertisement via internet is not as easy as what you think. There are lots of factors to consider when considering the internet as a medium to expose your business. Even if you owned a big company in Rustenburg but doesn't know how to set up marketing plan, there are possible chances that you will lose thousands of money in your account.

Create your own website using Wordpress, BlogSpot, Weebly etc. There are hundreds of blogging platforms that you can use for free. Be specific and reliable when posting content on your website. Post your contact details like address, telephone number, fax number, cell phone number and email number as much as possible. Customers think that you are a real business if you have everything posted on your site. Create contest, promos, discount, freebies or giveaways to make sure your audience will keep coming back to your site. This strategy is a great tool to attract more audience and customers and may lead to potential sales on your services or brand in the end.

Don’t make false or inaccurate advertisement. If you posted a brown bag or a red dress in your site or in an advertisement section, make sure that they are still available. Don’t make excuses to your customers that those colours are not already available. If it is not available on your part, remove your ads and update your audience as often as you can. They get irritated if you are posting content or ads that are not available on your part. Make sure you have also indicated the correct and accurate price on your ads or website. Mention if a certain items have discounts so they are informed and they can avoid asking too many questions on you. This task will lessen your work and can let you put those times in more important aspects in your business.

If you still want advice from professional marketing expert,  is just a button away. They are ready to help you at the comfort of your own.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Tips to Promote Your Business in Rustenburg

If you're wanting to find an efficient way to market your business or company in Rustenburg and struggling to look for more ideas on how to expose your brand, then better check  and these tips on how to get started.

Rustenburg Advertise
Rustenburg Advertise

  • A simple and attractive internet site may be one of the factors to effectively market your business in Rustenburg or through online. Operating a business with no website might prove detrimental and is not a wise idea. But it does not need that your website is just full of colourful images but it must also be entertaining and informative.
  • Creating your landing page describes you and what your company is dealing with. Your website must detail everything about your business including the name of the owner, its service and the products that are available.
  • Sending newsletters to your potential customers are also a great idea. It’s because there is a potential that you can easily target a greater scope of your preferred audience. When you do email marketing, there is a potential that they will read your messages unlike when you are just giving flyers to people on the street. Flyers are usually thrown off to garbage can  so you are not just wasting your money, you are also wasting your time giving flyers to people who are not interested in your services.
  • Link your website to social media sites like facebook, google plus, twitter and so on. Most people in Rustenburg are now relying on these platforms so you can easily target your audience once you shared your details and links on your followers. This platform is a sure way to drive traffic to your business site.
  • Discuss your business strategy, methods or tactics via slideshows or picture galleries as it may enhance your business outreach aesthetically.
  • Create videos on Youtube and other video sharing sites like Vimeo and best describe what you can offer to your customers. It does not need that your video is running on a 20 – 30 minutes of time as people may get bored when the video is very long. Make a video that will play for 2-3 minutes and discuss everything and straight to the point.
  • Give freebies, incentives and discounts or offer a buy one take one to your avid customers! Try promoting some contest or games so your audience will not get bored every time they visit your site. Be consistent on updating your site to keep them informed and entertained.
Always remember that being successful in any business in Rustenburg is not an overnight process. It takes times, dedication and energy to achieve your goal. If you want a professional marketing agency in Rustenburg, better check this site for more details.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Education in Rustenburg South Africa

Education without a doubt is one of the most important assets in human mankind. Parents on Rustenburg South Africa even send their kids to most prestigious school and spend thousands of rand in order to attain a good and quality education. It is harder and even tougher for a person to get a decent job in Rustenburg if he didn’t attain a formal or high education.

Before apartheid, children and student in South Africa were suffering from poor education and unable to attend college or high schools. Because of poverty, many children in South Africa were unable to continue their studies resulting to drop out of school. Failures were also because principals and teachers did not have the skills and appropriate training for their jobs. The reality that math and science are both discussed in English; teachers do not have the English language skills to conduct it appropriately to students.

As President Nelson Mandela quoted “"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. And since 1994 and beyond, the number of students that are attending the schools has risen scrupulously compared to the past decades.  As a matter of fact, the latest graduation exam that was took recently among 7 million students and based on Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga, the matric pass rate for 2012 is 73.9%. This was really good news knowing that the government is not cutting its budget for education.

Another ground breaking news is that the government of South Africa will share another R23-billion alone for education. This huge amount of money will be spent on school infrastructures, free education program, more teachers to be trained on math and sciences, more teachers to come on school and more programs to be built for education purposes.

Rustenburg South Africa's Education Today
Rustenburg South Africa's Education Today
We can say that the government of South Africa has done a lot of achievements so far but it does not end there. There are still more work to be done. The government must continue what has been started before like building more infrastructures, clean water and sanitation, making sure that there will be no more schools under the trees, must implement the modernization of vocational training and more computers to be touched by students.

So to benefits from this program, one must start to take advantage of it. Education in Rustenburg South Africa must be prioritize in order to secure your future and your love ones. There was once a saying, ‘what you saw is what you reap’. It means, if you obtain education, you will get job faster!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Help Charities in Rustenburg

Rustenburg Charities
Rustenburg Charities

Have you tried to visit a certain charity organization in Rustenburg? What did you observe? Did you find orphan happy and satisfied with their life? Who among the two of you are lucky enough? Do you think even a regular person or civilian like you can make a child living in an orphanage happy even in just one day? How do you think you can help such poor child and homeless children? Many charity organizations are doing the best thing they can do in order to help this young innocent children fill their emptiness. Since most of the Rustenburg charities are running without the help of government, your help is really in need.

There are many different ways for you to help different charity organizations in Rustenburg South Africa. 

Help children by donating your old books and computers, used toys, clothing, shoes, bed and linens. You can also donate old furniture and kitchen utensils. These are the primary factors that every charity organizations in Rustenburg are needed.

Another way you can help is by giving medical help. There are several kids and even elderly people that are suffering from different diseases and unable to get help or treatment. By conducting dental and medical mission in charities, you are making this institution a healthier and disease-free environment.  
A small amount of contribution can change many young African lives. You don’t know that there are many poor and unfortunate kids that are benefited from these donations as you are helping them to get their life back on track. This is the most unforgettable gift or donation you could possibly give to a child or homeless children that because of poverty, tragic and natural disaster has lead them to this unlucky situation.

If someone does really want to help charities, sometimes they are raising funds by means of sale, auctions or by making contest in a certain community. Profit usually goes to charity organizations.  There are plenty of ways to help children either you have less budget or high. Anything you donated will go directly to the hand of charity institutions and will be distributed fairly among helpless children. You can choose if you want to be discretely donated things on these institutions.

Every charity institutions in Rustenburg are accepting cash and donations so that their organizations run and assist the poor ones in the community. By doing it so, you are also giving comfort to their needs and help them fulfil their dreams.

If you think you have additional fund raising ideas intended for organizations, feel free to visit and charities in Rustenburg.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Basic Tips on Online Advertising in Rustenburg

Rustenburg Business
Rustenburg Business

Do you own a business in Rustenburg? Wandering how to advertise your brand, item or business in South Africa? Everybody knows that advertising on the internet is the most convenient and effective way to promote your brand because this is also the easiest tactic to reach a huge amount of audience or users. In Rustenburg, once a brand gets popular, all of products under its name will start selling like hot dogs or hot cakes. We cannot deny the fact that thousands and even millions of people earned a lot of money through advertising.

In the city of Rustenburg South Africa, there are thousands of online advertisers – some are offering free of charge and some are offering at a very affordable prices or depends on the budget you have in your pocket. The higher you invest in advertising, the higher of chances you reach your audience easily.
Assuming that you have a brand and no is informed about it, do you think you will earn a single penny when you don’t advertise or expose your brand? By promoting your brand through advertising, you can keep your potential customer updated on your latest information. It will also help to boost your sales and get recognized not only in just one place but also to other parts of the world. So what should be done to be effective in internet advertising?

·         Article Marketing. Talk something about your brand on the net and make it straight to the point so that readers will get an on-the-spot interest on your brand. An example; in an entertainment industry, a comprehensive xmltv host guide should include a wide range of movie channels from various networks and providers. This ensures that users have access to a diverse selection of movies across different genres, languages, and regions.
You can also provide pictures, articles, source and other information that will link to your endorsing product or brand. Make sure you also put some personal touch like interviews or experience of your customers to make it more reliable. In this way, your visitors will have an idea or perception with your brand.

·         Write on blogs about your brand. People who are looking for a particular topic will probably be directed to your blog whenever they clicked your target keywords. The reliability of a blog increases when it offers a vast array of blog topics, catering to the preferences and interests of all its readers.

·         Join Forums. Forum is often the most busiest website and a lot of people get across there for different reasons. If you were active on forums, it is possible to freely promote your website as you can directly respond to their questions and queries or by leaving your signature link in every post you made.

In the reality, you don’t need to spend a bunch of money in endorsing or advertising your business on the net. There are sure a great deals of methods and techniques to exhibit them to the world. Online advertising is not truly that so difficult as you think. Just follow those tips above and you’ll definitely on the right track.

If you need help for effective advertising, you may contact the best advertising and marketing agency in Rustenburg. They are capable of providing you with the knowledge and resources in order to make your advertisements more competitive with the best possible result. They will also help you find the best deals so as to save lots of money and will make sure that your investment in advertising will not get wasted.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Effective Marketing in Rustenburg

Rustenburg Business
Business Plan

Rustenburg of North West Province in South Africa is amongst the developed cities for having lots of great tourist attractions and full of historical heritage. Moreover, this place is renowned for its cultural diversity that can be distinguished in their words, people, its culture, attractions as well as its festivals too.

Despite the negative comments we heard from people from other parts of the world, North West Province is still struggling to fight poverty. As a matter of fact, several small businesses in Rustenburg start each and every year. Most of them are now relying on the internet to acquire buyers and customers. Businesses here are now starting to progress and the number of potential buyers and customers are continuously growing. This is because; most of them are using and applying some marketing ideas and techniques which really helped in flourishing their own business.

So if you were looking for some extra earning, business minded people in South Africa will recommend you to choose the popular internet marketing. Nowadays, internet is a common tool in promoting and exposing your business. Many people started earning money through online as part time business and now changed into a full time network marketer. But starting an online career is not easy as what you are expecting. Internet marketing is not a get rich quickly scheme tactics. It requires hard work, dedication, passion, patience, time and love to drive your business. Aside from those qualities that have been mentioned before, it is necessary that you must know the secrets in effective online marketing. Because everybody knew that in every business, there is always competition and that competition will bring you down if you don’t know how to manage a business. It is vital that you have a concrete and stable strategic marketing plan. Because whether you have a small or big business, it is vital to prepare and create a detailed plan as this will help you know if you were on the right .

Some of the top marketing ideas that will certainly aid in making progress with your small business in South Africa are by giving giveaways and discounts. One of the best marketing ideas that could certainly help in exposing your small business in South Africa is by giving special giveaways or offering discounts. This is actually what most South African company owners are applying on their own businesses today. Another tip is by advertising your business. Advertising is essential to help expand and reach more potential buyers and customers. There are several free advertising sites you can search on the net like,,, just to name a few.  Try also to submit your site on social bookmarking sites, social media sites like facebook, twitter, google +, pinterest etc. Another tools that are helpful are using the banner advertisements, affiliate marketing, email marketing, as well as search engine. These are the tools that can help you reach more customers and clients. And lastly, don’t give. We know that in business, there are always ups and downs. But whenever you feel you are not getting successful on your business, maybe this is the time to change your marketing plan and strategies. You can hire marketing professionals to get some advice and tips from them.

Business Plan Image Source: 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Best of Rustenburg

Rustenburg in South Africa is without a doubt rich in culture, history, and amazing tourism destinations. Some of the interesting you can do is to incorporate sightseeing throughout this small town. You can also do trail hiking, paragliding, diving and much more.

Among the South Africa region, Rustenburg retains a unique attention featuring its ancient culture and prolific adventure. Rustenburg gives a unique charm and rejuvenation to its visitors showing its wonderful travel destinations on earth. Another wonderful adventure in this place includes the culinary delicacies. With its unique spices and preparation, Africans food has retained special attention on many of its visitors. If you can arrange a perfect and well experienced African tour guide, you may enjoy the glimpses from all of these wonders.

When you cross this land, African tour guide is just about the most important persons to accompany you.  Professionally trained African tour guide can show you properly throughout the most effective tour planning where you may enjoy your vacations to your fullest extent. Your guide can take responsibility within your complete travel because you can simply experience the wonder in this exotic travel destination.  

Especially, when you're unaware of culture and traditional beliefs in addition to the living styles, guide may appear as a pertinent assistant to you. So working with a guide with your travel planning is important so as to experience the vacations as much as your level of expectation. Tour guide will even tell you exactly what is the appropriate distance you could possibly watch over those amazing animals that you can possibly encounter when you visit some game reserves.

There a large number of exciting sights in Rustenburg that you hardly end up without adventures. Now Rustenburg is promoting its tourism industry to draw visitors coming from all around the globe. With the invasion of foreign investors in South Africa, the town now has resorts, restaurants, spas, including the Waterfall Mall plus the newly built Platinum Square Mall.

Take time and energy to visit major sites that offer you a glimpse into the good reputation for the country, but make sure you get to fulfil some of the friendly and heart warming people who have weathered throughout the history. Whether you are getting excited about a short visit to South Africa, you can be certain that your vacation has to be great satisfaction. You will surely enjoy your holidays and vacations that have a blend of cultural expedition through an exotic modern atmosphere with tours around Rustenburg. So check it out and include this small town in your travel destination.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Rusties – The Pulse of Rustenburg South Africa

Rustenburg Award        
News Newcomer 2012
If you stay or have a business in Rustenburg South Africa, then you probably feel the need to know what’s happening in the city. You may even want to promote your business, be aware of the local news, latest job opening and many more. If you were looking for all of this stuff, then also known as Rusties is the best place to surf. This website is basically an advertising site and internet platform for local entrepreneur or businesses. People who live in this city can benefit from their valuable services and information. Rusties have in fact, made a definite and eminent presence online in Rustenburg, which no other local online community portal or website has been able to achieve so far.

About Rusties

This website is all about making the life of people and businesses in Rustenburg easier and simpler by making everything available. Three people are operating and maintaining this website. All of them are enterprising people looking after different aspects of this website to make things easy to obtain and keep things in order. This website is truly dedicated to Rustenburg, as their innumerable services and regular dose of information and updates is only focused about and for the city.

In addition to this, NorthWest Media Awards honored Rusties as the News Newcomer of 2012 which was hosted at the Sun City.  

What Rusties Do?

Rusties offer advertising and internet marketing services. This website is providing information in the sense that you get daily news, read and watch interviews, be aware of the current news and events, and even get the daily weather updates. You may also get to know the more about local charities, churches, schools and other related information and contacts. These are some of the very valuable information that Rusties are providing for the Africans. For people who are bored and want to kill time, then they can also play some amazing games made available on this site.

Internet marketing is another important service that they provide. Be it a website design, logo creation and even registration and web hosting, you can get all of these done here. With clear prices listed for their services, there is complete transparency in their work ethics. Internet marketing services are offered for clients residing Rustenburg and beyond.

To sum it up, you will find the entire city in the palm of your hand by surfing this website. No need to search online when you have this website totally dedicated to Rustenburg. Just log on to the site, move your cursor and get updated on this city at the comfort of your own.